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Sci Total Environ ; 613-614: 98-114, 2018 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28910720


Two wrecks related to the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) were studied. Following the guidelines of the UNESCO-2001 Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, a holistic and interdisciplinary approach based on the development of four of the thirty-six Rules of this international agreement was applied. A non-destructive survey technique was developed to obtain information from the scattered cannons and anchors without altering their condition (Rule 4). The work performed provided information about the origin of both wrecks, the Fougueux and the Bucentaure, two ships of the line of the French Navy, and allowed to characterize the state of conservation at each site without jeopardizing their future conservation in the marine environment. In addition, measurements of the main physical, chemical and biological variables allowed correlating the conservation status at each site with the marine environmental conditions (Rule 15). Thus, in Fougueux shipwreck large iron objects are corroding at a higher rate (between 0.180 and 0.246mmpy) due to high sediment remobilization and transport induced by waves at this site, causing damage by direct mechanical effect on metallic material and by removing the layer of corrosion products developed on the artefacts. Meanwhile artillery on Bucentaure site, covered with thick layers of biological concretion, is well preserved, with lower corrosion rates (0.073 to 0.126mmpy), and archaeological information is guaranteed. Finally, the effectiveness of the cathodic protection as a temporary measure for in situ conservation (Rule 1) was evaluated on a cannon. The use of a sacrificial anode after 9months reduced the average corrosion rate (from 0.103 to 0.064mmpy) and the percent of corrosion rate in 37.9%. These results are very useful for developing a decision making system of the Site Management Program, based on predictive models of artefacts permanence and risk factors in the marine environment (Rule 25).

Sci Total Environ ; 609: 109-122, 2017 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28735089


This study examines the deterioration of geomaterials used throughout history that today may be found lying on the ocean floor. Submerged archaeological sites including cargoes from shipwrecks or ancient city ruins have been a topic of interest from a perspective of in situ musealization, as a way of making underwater cultural heritage accessible to the public. In an experimental study conducted at an underwater archaeological site in the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain), we subjected two types of marble (Carrara and Macael) to three conditions to which submerged archaeological objects are often exposed: full exposure to the water column, natural processes of burial and unearthing, or permanent burial. After an 18-month study period, the factor found to mostly affect these materials was their biological colonization. This factor was assessed by estimating total surface biocover and the rate of surface biocolonization, and also through the identification of skeletons and associated alteration forms by light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Biofouling and bioerosion were the main causes of biodeterioration and dependent on the position of the marble specimens in the seawater. The response of both materials was similar, though dolomite crystals in the Carrara marble acted as a protective barrier against actively penetrating microorganisms. These investigations have allowed the study of tracers left by epilithic encrusting organisms and endolithic bioeroders on marbles intentionally exposed to seawater, providing new insights to the understanding of the biodeterioration processes occurring in cultural heritage stones, with significant implications when they are part of underwater archaeological remains.
